A Homecoming like Spartas can be found no where else. The whole week leads up to the game and the dance. Spartas game day Friday is like nothing you've ever seen. Not only does the enitire student body get out of every class but we get all decked out in out class color and compete with all the other grades. And lets just say after years of waiting this years SENIORS DOMINATED!!! :) And what do we get for all our hard work? The Red Apple! The picture below shows the full force of the Senior Class where dispite all our differences we come together to pull out a victory!
It may be wondered how all the grades get along while competeing. But the games are all in good fun and who doesn't love a little healthy competition? Spartas homecoming does not tear us appart but pulls us together in preprationg for the football game.
With the theme of Musicals this year, Seniors: Rock of Ages, Juniors: Footloose, Sophmores: Grease, and Freshman: High School Musical we highlighted the whole sprectrum. So not only do we compete in games, pie eating contsets, float building, and canned food structure buidling, but we dance. Yes readers we DANCE!!!
The Mock Rock is by far my favorite part. As a 4 time partisipant of the Mock Rock I can honestly say I love every minute of it. The best part is after weeks of rehersing and hours of perfeecting our routine we preform in front of the whole school. We dress up as characters from our musical and make our presence know with a dance. And the Senior class of 2013 is know for our A-M-A-Z-I-N-G dance skills and costumes (as shown above). Ain't we the best looking groupies you ever did see?
See, I told you Sparta has a Homecoming like no other. Its not just about the game or the dance its the whole week. Coming together as not only studentrs and teachers but as a school as a whole.
thought it would look nice on the blog ;)