Lysome is now running for President of the Cell. Please help out these little warriors out and follow them on twitter @thebomb_2013 #lysosomethebomb2013
High School AP Bio Class for Mr. Landry at Sparta. Here you'll find all my ramblings :)
Friday, November 16, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
AP Bio In A Nutshell
AP Bio is just that...Advanced, and let me tell you that by the end of this semester; I will be gray haired(if i have any left by then). To prepare for last week I had a group study party. I know what you are all thinking: "who actually works at those things?" Well we deffinately did. We spent 4 hours rewatching videos, going over our notes, and filling out any questions we didn't already have done. Not only was this group session surprisingly helpful but it also bosted me test grade. I would have failed that test prior to our group gettogether. The little group consisted of Monica, Sarah, Jacky, & I with Shae n' Shelby in spirit :) Next test guys we should plan a little better and not cram last minute.
Till Next Time
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
A New Star Around the Galaxy's Central Black Hole.
This new star was recvently found using the Keck telescope in Hawaii. It is now the fastest moving star to obrit the black hole. Taking a total of 11.5 years (give or take a few months). Out orbiting the S0-2 which takes about 16 years. The main reason the S0-102 evaded discover is because it is 16x fainter than the S0-2.

With this newly found star the scientists can now study Einstines' Theory of Relativity in an extreme environment. By having two short-period stars allows astronomers to look into the change in orientation (precession) of the orbits over time. This teaches them how much space has ben curved by the gravity of the black hole (about 4 million times the mass of the sun). Knowledge of the orbiting paths of the orbital period of the stars help astronomers model the black hole and test the general relativity of the region closest to the hole. Currently the stars' motion is modeled using Newtonians Physics and Keplar's Laws to a exceedingly high degree of accuracy. (shown above)
For more information go to:
This new star was recvently found using the Keck telescope in Hawaii. It is now the fastest moving star to obrit the black hole. Taking a total of 11.5 years (give or take a few months). Out orbiting the S0-2 which takes about 16 years. The main reason the S0-102 evaded discover is because it is 16x fainter than the S0-2.

With this newly found star the scientists can now study Einstines' Theory of Relativity in an extreme environment. By having two short-period stars allows astronomers to look into the change in orientation (precession) of the orbits over time. This teaches them how much space has ben curved by the gravity of the black hole (about 4 million times the mass of the sun). Knowledge of the orbiting paths of the orbital period of the stars help astronomers model the black hole and test the general relativity of the region closest to the hole. Currently the stars' motion is modeled using Newtonians Physics and Keplar's Laws to a exceedingly high degree of accuracy. (shown above)
For more information go to:
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
We Will Rock You
A Homecoming like Spartas can be found no where else. The whole week leads up to the game and the dance. Spartas game day Friday is like nothing you've ever seen. Not only does the enitire student body get out of every class but we get all decked out in out class color and compete with all the other grades. And lets just say after years of waiting this years SENIORS DOMINATED!!! :) And what do we get for all our hard work? The Red Apple! The picture below shows the full force of the Senior Class where dispite all our differences we come together to pull out a victory!
It may be wondered how all the grades get along while competeing. But the games are all in good fun and who doesn't love a little healthy competition? Spartas homecoming does not tear us appart but pulls us together in preprationg for the football game.
With the theme of Musicals this year, Seniors: Rock of Ages, Juniors: Footloose, Sophmores: Grease, and Freshman: High School Musical we highlighted the whole sprectrum. So not only do we compete in games, pie eating contsets, float building, and canned food structure buidling, but we dance. Yes readers we DANCE!!!
The Mock Rock is by far my favorite part. As a 4 time partisipant of the Mock Rock I can honestly say I love every minute of it. The best part is after weeks of rehersing and hours of perfeecting our routine we preform in front of the whole school. We dress up as characters from our musical and make our presence know with a dance. And the Senior class of 2013 is know for our A-M-A-Z-I-N-G dance skills and costumes (as shown above). Ain't we the best looking groupies you ever did see?
See, I told you Sparta has a Homecoming like no other. Its not just about the game or the dance its the whole week. Coming together as not only studentrs and teachers but as a school as a whole.
Friday, September 21, 2012
The Garbage Patch
Week Three Bloggers!!!
As humans we are gifted the responsibility to protect the environment. And lets admit we aren't doing as well as well as we could be. Water makes up around 3/4 of our planet and guys, we are polluting it. There is a land mass out there in the atlantic made up of nothing but garbage. Its estimated to be about 90% plastice and about twice the size of Texas.

Its said that in some areas of this plastic mass that the plastic out numbers the amount of plankton in the water 6 to 1. Plankton is the main food source for many of the marine wildlife and we are infesting thier homes with our trash. Said trash contains plastics that are releasing pollutants into the water. The water not only affects the marine life but also us humans. The animals that consume these pollutants are then caught and fed to us. Therefore, the pollutants are not only harming the marine life and humans but thier entire food web. Humans are suffering disease and illness due to this garbage. I mean, how hard is it to recycle people? Common Guys, Really? The blue bins found just about everywhere, they're there so you can throw your trash away. Roughly 50 billion (yes I said BILLION) water bottles are thrown in U.S. landfils every year. Guys thas about 140 million A DAY!!! Thats enough to reach China and back and thats only water bottles.
I also looked at this site.
As humans we are gifted the responsibility to protect the environment. And lets admit we aren't doing as well as well as we could be. Water makes up around 3/4 of our planet and guys, we are polluting it. There is a land mass out there in the atlantic made up of nothing but garbage. Its estimated to be about 90% plastice and about twice the size of Texas.

Its said that in some areas of this plastic mass that the plastic out numbers the amount of plankton in the water 6 to 1. Plankton is the main food source for many of the marine wildlife and we are infesting thier homes with our trash. Said trash contains plastics that are releasing pollutants into the water. The water not only affects the marine life but also us humans. The animals that consume these pollutants are then caught and fed to us. Therefore, the pollutants are not only harming the marine life and humans but thier entire food web. Humans are suffering disease and illness due to this garbage. I mean, how hard is it to recycle people? Common Guys, Really? The blue bins found just about everywhere, they're there so you can throw your trash away. Roughly 50 billion (yes I said BILLION) water bottles are thrown in U.S. landfils every year. Guys thas about 140 million A DAY!!! Thats enough to reach China and back and thats only water bottles.
I also looked at this site.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Pros & Cons
Week Two Fellow Bloggers!
Lets admit its been a long two weeks and we are only getting started. Ant I know threre are some things we are all looking forward to more so than others. Especially in AP Bio :) Some things too look forward to are all the labs we'll have, minus the lab reports. lol The topics in this class should be pretty interesting as well. I look forward to all the fun we will have too. We are a great group of kids and this class will very entertaining! I look forward to its challenge.
However, this class will also have a giant workload and LOTS of reading. I can pick up a book and read 100's of pages but a textbook is a whole different story. That and i'm well aware of the difficult curriculum this class has and just hope all goes well.
Well guys thats all for now, talk to you all again next week! :)
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Hello Biology Friends!
My name is Katelynn Adams and I am a senior at Sparta High School. I have been playing softball for about 12 years now and have come to love the outfeild. I am also a part of the Blood Drive Committee on National Honor Society. I also have a younger sister, Brooke, who is a sophmore in high school this year. My family also has a Westie. Her name is Anna and she is a very lazy lil thing. Over the summmer I had been super busy and spent a lot of my time at the beach. When im not at the beach i'm at work. I currently work at Under the Pines and love it there (most the time). I want to go to school for Forensic Biology and/or Clinical Labratory Studies (CLS). I plan on either going to MSU of Ferris State University.
I have been a MSU fan sense I was little. My parents buy season tickets every year and take me to many games. Maybe someday I will sit in the student section :)
Im taking AP Biology to prepare myself for college and because I love science. That and I want to challenge myself my last year of high school. I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the world and how everything works together.
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